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F r e i e s  I n d i a
(2 person team Project)

Freies India: Pursue to Freedom (Museum Design)

Our Design Concept derived from the words Journey, the concept of overall layout is to recreate the journey of INA using pathways, ambiance and surrounding. Objective is to allow the audience to understand the influence of INA as it is proceed through all the countries.

Old India





Timeline using Color Scheme

Museum Floorplan at HortPark (Level 1 and B1) 

Starting Point

Drop - Off Point


Starting Point

Drop - Off Point


Museum Walkflow at HortPark (Level 1 and B1) 

Old India Salt Installation

Salt march installation is a reflection of the Indian people
suffering during the occupancy of British Empire

Great Figure of the Past


The shadow of someone great
haunts the history for centuries

Germany: The Axis Power
Gandhi is one of the most influential figure during the century
his life journey become an icon of what humanity can do.


During the world war used by many countries as the harbor of western and east traders. Trading business nourish in this country, their need of man power which are often sent from overseas.

New India

The end of INA which the impact of the trial freeing
India rather than the war contribution.

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